Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Because I got high..♪

Drugs! There are just so many, and they all have so many different names! Being completely honest, I have very limited knowledge regarding drugs. I know the basics I suppose, but the effects of drugs is something I can talk about.

Some drugs are regarded as worse than others, even by the authourities, I've often heard the terms Class A, Class B or Class C. Well, these terms certainly were not used in the past. I think it is fair to say that it is only in more recent years that drugs have been strongly illegalised and taken seriously. In the past, drugs were probably regarded in the same league as a cigarette and nobody really labelled it as a negative concept. In the lecture, we saw the experiments people had with drugs in the past and how people just seemed so laid back about it all. However, in todays society, the world is discovering more about health and uncovering the effects drugs can have on a human body. Furthermore, people have realised that people lack control and become disorienated whilst under the influence of drugs.

The majority of people that I know smoke cannabis on a regular basic, they always say to me why take drugs as a release, to heighten their fun and because they can. I get the feeling that there is less emphasis on cannabis as a drug than others. Even though it is a class B drug, it is still treated like a Class C. Take for example, I work in a hotel and we found a man smoking Cannabis in his room, the manager called the police out to try and resolve the situation. The policeman's reaction was: "I don't mind him smoking a bit of weed, everyones at it". Personally, I think that remark is a disgrace - and shows how we can have no faith in the police system.

Ok, so I'm slating drugs, I think it's clear that I'm against them and think the law needs to get involved more often. I have never tried any drugs whatsoever, but it is a topic that is very close to home for me. Both of my older brothers have been regular drug users for over 10 years and one of them even ended up in jail for carrying £1,000 worth of cocaine. Both brothers, started off smoking just a little cannabis at the weekend, then things just escalated and they started taking bigger and 'better' drugs. In doing this, both of them have completely ruined their lives, neither brother has a job and between them they have 7 children (that they and I know of). Im not saying that this applies to everyone, but it shows how bad things can get.

Any how, thats my rant over. And remember you can always Talk to Frank haha :

1 comment:

  1. heyyy i can see from this that you are totally against drugs and how it effected your family. that is your own personal reason why you wouldnt take drugs. But what would you do if one of your friends started to take drugs would you stop chatting to them, that is something i had to think about when my friend started smoking weed. as i am a sikh i had to think to myself if i went through this sort of stuff if i have problems would my friend leave me out. people only take drugs to numb out the pain of every day, u get what i mean. why not instead of shunt a person out because they take drugs, chat to the person try ad find out why they are taking drugs.

    thats my 2 pence lol
